The next thing the kids heard was a very loud gobble gobble gobble. We look across the field and see a very large wild turkey. He was larger than our 5 year old boy and faster than all of us put together.
Next the kids came across a beautiful hollowed out tree. Totally a picture opportunity. "Piper, we miss you", said our kiddos.Hiking along some more, we came across another field where the tractor was mowing. The kids had to stay for a while to watch this fun.
Just passed the tractor was a great looking dead tree. Of course, another photo
opportunity to be had.
No hike would be complete unless you found a bridge over a small river.
Look closely at the camouflaged lizards. Yes, plural, lizards!
We finally make it to the farm. Looking across the pasture the kids see a small white barn. Inside, was the mama cow who just had her baby calf in February. I'll zoom in.
She watches us too as we call out to her calf. Oh my these are some beautiful farm cows.
And very friendly too.
When we walked across the pasture to the white barn to see mama up close, baby ran across all the way to her and they kissed. We watched as mama cleaned her baby calf and watched them graze.
The kids then ran over to see the chickens and the ducks. They loved this as some of the chickens came jumping over the fence to peck and scratch at the grounds near the kids. They got such a kick out of it.
Peeyooo, what's that smell says one of the kiddos. Oh, just some manure. Huh? Oh, you know; poopy. Oh the kids laughed so hard. Can you spot 2 chickens on top?
Wow, check out the sheep and goats. It was great that there was a step up for the kids to see clearly. Baaa aaaaah.
Next a walk over to the cool vegetable and herb garden. The kids loved checking out all that edible foods. Hey what's that in the back? Oh, that's the different types of composting they have. Check out the worm farm, we have one of those back home at PattyKakesKidz, don't we?
Hiking back, a person walks by and warns us of snakes along the road and at the parking lot. We come across 2 of them. This one above kept rolling over and over. The other one was tearing a hole into the ground making shelter. We kept clear of them though so as not to make them scared of us.
As we come to the end of the road, I just wanted to get this cute shot in of Rachel and baby Cruz. What a trooper he was on this hike. I won't mention the falling, tripping and owies along the way LOL, thank goodness for our lil 1st Aid Kit.
What beautiful kids. I can't believe that 2 of these little guys will be moving on to kindergarten this fall. We will miss them terribly. Love you lil ones ♥
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