I found a hidden treasure only an hour away from our preschool. There were mini lands with Humpty Dumpty, Snow White, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, and so many more fairy tales. We explored every inch of Fairy Land where each land had a box to use a magic key. We turned the key in each box and listened to a story or a song related to the small land we explored. Check out some great pics of the last of our Summer Field Trips.
Fairyland Entrance with The Old Woman who live in a Shoe.
Fairyland Entrance with The Old Woman who live in a Shoe.
Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
Children's Church
Follow the Yellow Brick Road
Humpty Dumpty Sat on the Wall
Stop to see the farm animals.
Sliding down hill using cardboard pieces
Small Ride
Waiting for their turn, what good friends.
Natalia and Noli were partners in their ride.
Piper and Ethan were partners in their ride.
Jovani is a big kid so he gets to ride alone.
Nate wasn't too sure about the ride, so he cheered them on from the sidelines.
On top of Peter Pan's boat.
Walking thru a cave with water falls all around.
Rub a Dub Dub, 3 Men in a Tub
Card Face from Queen of Hearts Maze, after exiting Alice and Wonderland.
Hickory Dickory Doc
The Whale that Swallowed Gepetto and Pinocchio
A Merry Go Round
Beautiful Lions to pose on.
Tip Toe thru Mary Quite Contrary's Garden
Teacher Cassy stands beneath the mushroom where bubbles were being blown all day long.
Did someone say, Bubbles? 
Walking along the dragon's back.
Walking along the dragon's back.
A climbing we will go.
I believe this large statue was called the Matterhorn, sitting in front of Oakland's Lake Merrit.
and PattyKakes Kidz lived.....
And we hope you do too!
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