Check out some of the fun things we did here at PattyKakesKidz.
SMILE made from marshmallows
and paper plates.
CAVITY Puzzle made from a tooth shape and some markers, then cut out and put together like a puzzle.
A group POSTER of smiles.
A MATCHING number game that was laminated for future use. See the little teeth above the character's heads?
This was a great way to incorporate learning numbers and our unit study.
TRACING of numbers, on a laminated paper so we could use dry erase markers to trace and erase again and a again.
Brushing our teeth after eating healthy is fun, but it is more fun when you can brush your teeth with friends.
Now, just how shiny are those teeth? Come on, lets see those pearly whites!
Maybe we should have cleaned our faces before we took pictures? ha ha, gotta love those cutie patooties!
After we brushed our teeth, we made a laminated chart to take home and track our teeth brushing for the month. The parents loved the idea and so did the kids. This should help to remind them to brush their teeth twice daily.
♫♪Brush, brush, brush your teeth, brush them till their white♪♫
(sung to music by row, row, row your boat)
This was such a fun week. I wanted to do so much more and wanted to post all my pictures that I had taken, but I had way too many to share. I may go back and add a couple more during the week though. I love working with this group of kids because they make it so much fun.