We've added a second gardening area to support our outdoor sciences. With this new addition, we learn to care for our planet through hands-on science. Caring for our earth and raising thoughtful individuals can come from the simplest ideas. Digging in the dirt, massaging the root bulbs of tiny plants, gently placing them in the earth and spraying the water lightly on our plants gives our preschoolers a sense of responsibility. I hope to share the importance of caring and respecting living things and provide basic scientific knowledge as they grow and prepare for their future education.
Check out the makings of our 2012 Winter Garden.
Green Beans
Bok Choi
Working in the warm sun.
Digging that hole just right.
Help from our friends.
Team effort.
Teacher Cassy shows how to be gentle with the small plants.
Interacting with Nature
Gardening is such a great activity to do with kids!