Let's see what our kids were up to this week keeping busy indoors.
Building blocks on top of tables covered in blankets to buffer falls. This marble run was exciting to build and race our marbles to the end of the line.
Sewing clothes for our favorite teddy bears.
It's ok to let loose with blankets and chairs making forts and campouts. This is a great time for make believe.
Here we are measuring soaked beans against the dry beans that soaked overnight in hot water. We then planted our seeds indoors.
Making puppet leprechauns and converting the letter S into a S, S, Snail.
Ok, there was ONE day of sunshine in the morning, so we ran outdoors, played and did outdoor painting before it started raining again.
We made Weather Maps to document our daily weather and we played indoor math games.
Food can be fun too. Here we have breakfast of fresh strawberries and Micky Mouse Pancakes. Our eyes are not chocolate, but carob chips.
Snack time was made to be fun too. An array of colors, but the kids decided making Fruit Loop necklaces are way too cool. Yummy .
We made spring cards for our families and we made creations from sticks and glue. These will be continued next week with more additions and some paint. Can't wait to see how these come out. Each will be unique, just like our children.
We wrapped up our week hugging our friends goodbye.
We are hoping for a much dryer time next week so we can stretch, run, jump and play outdoors, but if the wet weather persists, we will prevail.
oh what great ways to keep the kids entertained during the wet weather!! They look like they were having a lot of fun!