July 28, 2012

Summer Field Trip

Santa Clara's Happiest Place on Earth
Great America
The SpaceShip ride

The Pumpkin Patch Ride

The Rising Cars

Behind the Lines watching the roller coaster.

The Roller Coaster was fast!
The Carousel

 The Junior Jump
The Snail Race

The Construction Climb

Kidzville Pet Shop

Car Racing 
(Where boys were barking and girls were meowing at each other.  
All of a sudden, everyone else's child started doing the same)

Flying Bugz

Bumper Cars....bumpity bump

The Water Boat Race 
(this was a favorite, even tho it wasn't a "ride")

Cast-Away at Boomerang Bay

 Swimming at the Kiddy Pool
The rules were "keep the stitches dry"  I did just that, so we wet the feet instead LOL!

PattyKakesKidz takes many fieldtrips to explore their world. Maybe you'll see our troop in the yellow t-shirts the next time you're out and about. 
 Until next time with PattyKakesKidz
 Peace to All!