Crazy is what crazy does.
Our preschool is filled with fun and crazy days. From being silly on the playground, to make believe in the classroom. Follow me on a trip to some fun and crazy days from last week and read the comments below each picture to hear what comes out of the mouths of our little ones.
Each day brings new and exciting fun things to play. From drawing crazy chalk pictures on the ground to racing around our track.
Riley wants to play hopscotch and does so with his helmet still on from the past 2 hours. I ask, "do you want help taking your helmet off?" He replies, "no, jumping is dangerous!"

The kids are screaming, "higher, higher, higher." I reply, "I can't push you too high or you might go around and around the top of the swingset." The kids laugh so hard, "one replies, it's ok, we can just be fliers and not swingers!"
One of our kids tripped by the sandbox and I let her sit and rest for a moment to catch her breath. One by one, the kids from the playground run to her side with their chairs in hand and all sit together next to her. I ask what are they doing and they reply, "we are on timeout with her while she is starting to feel better." ahhhh!
It's time to ride on the track. Riley has brought his new "big boy" bike and is having a blast following all the road signs. He is so generous that he offers each child a chance to take a turn on his new bike. He yells out his rules, "don't go too fast, don't go past the stop sign, stop when I yell stop, call me if you are done before the stop sign, wait, let me ride it one more time to see if it still works, are you done yet, are you tired..."
He yells out so many rules, the kids each sit on it one by one and quickly dismount. They look at Riley and say, "too many rules."
It was so funny to watch, but it was so great for a 3 year old to offer to share, even if there were too many rules.
Inside play was just as much fun to watch and listen to. Sleeping with a favorite dolly and friend has it's crazy rules too. Rule number one, I'll share my blanket, but don't take too much. Rule number two, you have to give it back right when I say, give it back. Rule number three. Cover up the baby too in the middle so we can share her. Again, lots of crazy rules, but each child understood oh to well the meaning of rules. Too cute.
Our babydoll bed is just as much fun to sit in and read in the library as it is to be used for a dolly bed. Ahhh, just kicking back and reading a good book.
These are just some fun times we have on a day to day basis. Learning is fun in it's formal setting, but when you get a bunch of preschoolers in an informal setting, the craziness comes out and all fun breaks loose.