October 1, 2010

Hey, I'm 3 Years Old

Celebrating one's birthday is even more special when it's done with our friends. 

It's our friends birthday today.  Excitedly, the children gather around the kitchen island to take turns adding ingredients to create delicious cupcakes.  We lick the bowl, spoons, frosting, and enjoy a Happy Birthday song.  One by one, they add frosting to their cupcakes while enjoying the yummy smells through out our home. They squish the homemade, warm cupcakes into their mouths, and as I run around clicking pictures here and there, I realize something, I forgot, we haven't had lunch yet.  LOL 
Somehow, I don't think the kids mind having dessert before lunch.  Oh what a wonderful day.

I love watching the children focusing on their creations.  They all announce they need to take extras home for their families.  Ofcourse I oblige so I don't get stuck with a couple dozen cupcakes here.  This day is one of my favorites; the birthday of our friends marking another milestone.

Happy Birthday my friend Riley.  You are now 3 years old.  

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